In a word full of opinions, Allyson Rowe is reminding people that not everyone will like them.

Rowe is a former Miss Washington turned ministry leader who often encourages people on their journey in singleness. Now, she is encouraging people who may feel discouraged if everybody doesn’t like them.

“Not everyone is (sic) this world is going to like you, support you, believe in you, or agree with you,” she wrote on Instagram. “And guess what? That’s just fine!! We don’t live for the approval of people anyway.”

Rowe revealed how she has learned to deal with people who may disagree with her or dislike her.

“If I turned around every time someone had something to say about me or every time someone disagreed with me, I would never be able to catch my breath,” she said. “Their opinion is none of my business nor is it my concern… and it shouldn’t be yours either.”

She told people to stop letting others shake their confidence.

“Opinions are fickle. Stop letting the opinion of people determine your value and confidence,” she wrote. “When you have God’s permission, you don’t need man’s approval.”

Instead of worrying about what other people are saying, Rowe suggested that people should bless those coming against them.

“Let them talk and bless them in the process. You just keep walking with your head held high and stay in your lane.”

The motivational speaker previously shared another inspirational message about getting through the wilderness, or seasons of discomfort and testing.

“Sometimes, God will send us into a wilderness season because it’s in the wilderness where we cultivate a hunger, a reliance, a strength, and a trust so deep in Who He is,” she wrote. “If that’s you- I invite you to step with me. To walk in radical faith.”


(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)