Before Heather Lindsey was a sought after speaker leading a thriving ministry, the wife and mother of three was living as a single working girl trying to make it in New York City.

Now, the Pinky Promises ministry leader is sharing the lessons that she learned during her single season with the world. In a recent Instagram post, the wife of Pastor Cornelius Lindsey who leads the Gathering Oasis Church in Atlanta, Ga., shared 10 points that she would have shared with herself when she was single.

The first point was to stop worrying.

“Stop worrying about your future. You can’t speed things up in your own strength but you can learn to trust God in all things,” she wrote. “This includes your career, marriage, children.”

While many people suggest the benefits of dating around, the preacher suggested that may not be the best approach.

“Stop dating around, especially if you know that person isn’t it. A free meal is never worth compromising,” she said. “You can always buy yourself a meal but you can never get your time back.”

She went on to share that God is always speaking but it is important to declutter your life in order to hear Him. She also spoke about how the Holy Spirit will lead when it comes to finding the best life partner and friendships.

“Just cuz (SIC) a man looks good on paper, doesn’t mean that He’s God’s best for you. Go with your peace & the leading of the Holy Spirit,” she wrote. “Everybody is not your friend. Pray for the Lord to show you the hearts of those around you.”

After sharing the importance of working hard and avoiding burning bridges with people, Lindsey urged her former single self not to compare herself to others. She encouraged herself to spend time traveling as much as possible and ended her list by emphasizing the importance of cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ.

“Spend a ton of time with Jesus,” she wrote. “Build a foundation of trusting Him because you will need Him for every season after this one.”


(image via screengrab)