Bishop T.D. Jakes has gathered his family together to help teach people how to cut off toxic relationships.

Jakes, the senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas is hosting his first virtual event in his streaming teaching channel known as Bishop’s Village. The event is filmed in Jakes’ living room with his wife Serita Jakes, daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts and son-in-law Touré Roberts.

In the virtual video series titled, “When To Cut Someone Out of Your Life” the Jakes and Roberts family will strive to provide people with answers about the relationships that may be troublesome.

“Join me, First Lady Jakes, my daughter Sarah, and my son-in-law Toure for a teaching session on making the tough calls, having the tough talks, and coming out better on the other side,” Jakes message on his website reads. “Whether it’s a sibling, a friend, a co-worker, or a parent, we have answers and inspiration for you.”

In a video trailer for the series, Jakes advises people to surround themselves with those who can adapt to change.

“You want people in your life who can adapt to change and flow in it because some people force you to make tough decisions because they won’t adapt,” he said. “They won’t go with you, they won’t grow with you and they insist on holding you back.”

In another clip, Roberts shares his unique perspective about saying goodbye to people.

“So many people struggle with rejection and goodbye doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact the word good is in goodbye,” Roberts said. “But I think in some sort of way if you can honor them, give them a present. I like the idea of giving people gifts.”

By giving a gift to someone, Roberts explained that the act could give people a sense of value and honor.

Jakes has invited people to register for the series on his Bishop’s Village website. The series started on Sunday, Sept. 16.


(Photo by Peter Larsen/Getty Images for MegaFest 2017)