Some relationships come equipped with baggage, but Hollywood minister and producer DeVon Franklin is revealing some practical ways that people can help each other unpack their emotional burdens.

In a message sent to his email subscribers called “How To Deal With Your Relationship Baggage,” Franklin shared six tips that can help people who are carrying unhealthy burdens. When another person is carrying those burdens, Franklin says it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

“Don’t be surprised when other people have baggage,” he said. “Each of us are all on a journey and we all accumulate baggage along the way.”

According to Franklin people should never feel guilty for their baggage or be made to feel that way.

“Don’t feel guilty for your baggage. It’s a fact of life,” he wrote. “Don’t demonize another person’s baggage. Instead, we need to help them carry that baggage.”

The preacher stressed the importance of being understanding of those who may be struggling and helping them work through issues.

“Be understanding. We all have been on a journey and need to help one another,” he said. “Help them unpack it. This is where the power of the relationship is found in helping the other person process baggage from their past.”

According to Franklin, some people are surprised to learn about the types of issues that others have.

“So often in relationships we are surprised that one or the other is carrying baggage,” he said. “That baggage might be heartbreak from a past relationship, scars from a childhood experience, or feelings of abandonment from a parent or loved one.”

The bestselling author who produced the film Miracles From Heaven has been trying to help people overcome their baggage for some time. Even though he does not want to condemn anyone for having issues, Franklin previously spoke about the importance of not trying to hold onto issues that could have a negative impact on relationships.

“What matters is getting a spring cleaning of your spirit that lets you go into the world clear-eyed and ready to approach dating and relationships in a new, healthy way,” he said. “Because until you can drop that baggage, your relationship patterns aren’t likely to change and you probably won’t get the results you’re hoping for…”


(Photo by Rick Kern/Getty Images )