An exercise program in Carmel, Indiana is putting a unique spin on faith and fitness.

The 45-minute cycling session called “The Gospel Ride” motivates people with Christian music. The creator of the program, Mark Short, revealed the impact that he sees when people combine their faith and fitness.

According to Short people are doing more than just working out. They’re praising God.

“It combines the spiritual, the inspirational with cardiovascular,” Short said in a Wish TV report, “and when the two meet its; an amazing experience…It’s electric. People are clapping, they’re cheering, they’re praising…They’re just excited to be here.”

Not only is the class electric and spiritual, but it is also an intensive exercise experience that burns some major calories.

“Now, I burned 680 calories in 45 minutes,” said one participant. “That’s a good workout!”

The sessions are being implemented at the InCycle studio, which is owned by Cathy Miller. The cycling studio has a campaign called  “Choose Kind” this month, which focuses on doing random acts of kindness.

For Miller, the class was everything she expected and so much more.

“It was everything compiled together, and then times 1000,” Miller stated. “He was encouraging us to dig deep and find something within ourselves that maybe some of us didn’t know was there.”

Miller also commented on how impactful the Gospel Ride was for her other clients, one of which had an epiphany during the session

“I know why they call it a gospel ride,” Miller quoted her client, “becaue I’m seeing God!”

It seems the faith-based cycling session falls right in line with the theme of random acts of kindness. Allie Missler has participated in the sessions and insists that they help her recharge spiritually.

“You’re able to forget what came before and what comes after and you just recharge your spirit your mind your body,” Missler said.

The Gospel Ride officially began yesterday and takes place each Sunday at 3 p.m.

For some time, faith-based exercise programs have been rising in popularity. While some programs allow people to take classes that strengthen their body and spirit, others offer them the opportunity to do so from the comfort of their own homes.

Faithful Workouts is one of those programs, providing people will fitness plans that include exercise, diet and Biblical encouragement.

“We believe that no amount of workout videos or healthy recipes will be enough to help people find the true transformation they are seeking, which is why we fill everything we do with consistent biblical encouragement.  We offer a 40 day Bible reading plan and all our videos include inspiring messages,” the FW website states. “Our biggest hope is that God will use these tools to draw you closer to Him, and take you to new levels of health!”


(Photo: screengrab)