Churches are helping a majority of Christians live out their faith at work, according to a  new study.

In a Barna Group article called “Christians at Work, Part 3: The Church’s Role,” the Christian polling group surveyed Christians who attend church. Among the Christians who attend worship services monthly, 53 percent of those who were polled strongly agree that their church is helping them live out their faith in the workplace.

An overwhelming 80 percent of Christians who were polled are interested in using work related gifts in their place of worship while 45 percent of Christians polled definitely thought their church was supportive of their career. According to Barna, 1,459 Christians employed in the U.S. were polled for the study.

Sam Whitehawk, the bivocational pastor at Grace Fellowship in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, spoke up about the importance of churches considering the work schedules of those in attendance.

“I believe churches should be mindful of planning small groups around those with varying schedules, ensuring that those who have different workloads are still able to encourage and be encouraged. Being in community and being given opportunities to serve in roles that suit their schedules prevents burnout,” Whitehawk said in the Barna article.  “It requires those with more flexibility to be intentional about making those who are busier feel included. This type of discipleship will help grow a healthy church.”

When churches pay attention to the work life of those in their communities, Whitehawk called it helpful.

“This is something we focus on as a church, and it has been helpful in getting more people in community.”

Heather Grizzle, the founding partner of Causeway Strategies, explained that while church is a great place to hear the word of God, it can also serve as much more than that for communities.

“I think the Church’s role is to foster intimate relationships. Obviously, we need an opportunity to worship,” Grizzle said in the Barna article. “We need a place to hear good teachings and to have the Word illuminated to us. But I think one of the most important aspects is fostering that intimate community with people who can help you with that course correction.”