Some of us are better than others at getting all of our Christmas shopping done in a timely manner. For people who have mere days to find a great gift idea for their loved ones, Ambo TV has got you covered with some suggestions that could come through in the clutch.

Concert Tickets

The best gifts aren’t always wrapped in the biggest boxes. Why not gift someone special in your life with an experience? A gift like concert tickets could bring joy to any music lover who will appreciate the sentiment long after the Christmas celebration ends. If your loved one likes Christian rock music, tickets for the Breaking Benjamin with Skillet and Fight The Fury Tour will keep them smiling well into the new year. Click here to get more information about the tour.

A Book

For avid readers or people who want to read more in the new year, a good book never fails. If you don’t have time to make a stop at your local bookstore, a lot of smartphones allow people to access free Kindle and audible reading apps.

Make Room: Finding Where Faith Fits is a new release by gospel singer Jonathan McReynolds that is sure to fuel the faith of any bookworm. Click here for more about the book and ways that you can get it wrapped up by Christmas time.

A Statement Shirt

Fashionable friends and family are usually excited to add some new clothes to their closet. No matter their style, statement shirts are always a versatile option. For believers who want to show off their fashion and faith, you can’t go wrong with shirts like those featured in motivational coach and author Logan Rena’s collection. Messages like “Faith Is A Full Time Job” are printed on t-shirts and hoodies that are sure to affirm your fashionable loved one. While ordering now may not guarantee delivery before Christmas, you can make a DIY printout of the great gift that will be arriving at their door in the near future. Include the printout with some accessories that you can buy at any local shop which they can pair with their new shirt.  Click here to shop the Logan Rena collection.

Worship Music

The gift of worship music doesn’t stop giving and is sure to bless the receiver and other people that they share it with. The beauty of a gift like this is that you can purchase a worship album digitally which can instantly be gifted. For gospel music lovers, Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church senior pastor H.B. Charles, Jr recently released his album Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs which is sure to ignite the Holy spirit in the worshiper on your gift list.

Last minute gift shopping isn’t always an ideal situation to be in, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have options. Hopefully Ambo TV has helped inspire you to find some great gifts for the loved ones in your life.