Francis Chan is reminding us that humility is a powerful component that can not be forgotten in prayer.

In a video featured on The Gospel Coalition the preacher, founder and chancellor of Eternity Bible College used Biblical references to point to the importance of humility.

“Be humble. Think about that scene in Revelation 4 and 5,” Chan said. “Do I dare approach that throne? And yet now Scripture says I can. Who am to come before that throne?”

According to Chan, we don’t know what to pray about without being led by the Holy Spirit. He referenced the statement with Paul’s words that are found in Romans 8:26.

“I don’t know what to pray, I don’t know how I should pray or what to pray for,” Chan said. “I need you Holy Spirit, and God give me the words to say that are according to your will. And Paul says that ‘the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.'”

He explained the concept even further.

“He says that I can pray in the Spirit, and the Spirit is going to intercede for me and through me,” he said.

The preacher reminded viewers about how much of an honor it is to come before God in prayer.

“We don’t understand what a mystery, what an honor we get to come before the throne of God,” Chan said.

However, there are people who do not come before God with this level of humility.

“Instead, I hear people that almost act like they’re doing God a favor by showing up to a service. We’re so used to people begging you to show up for a prayer meeting,” he said. “So when they finally attend, everyone is patting them on the back, and they end up feeling pretty good about themselves.”

Chan reminded people that, “we can’t approach the throne like that.”


(Photo: Screengrab)