Mack Brock has encouraged people by writing some popular worship songs that have been used in churches across the country. Now he is writing a blog post to encourage people who feel unloved.

In a recent Live Original blog post, Brock identified the mindset of people who may be struggling with feeling loved.  

“If you could be just a little bit better, a little smarter, more attractive, funnier or more successful…. a little bit more of anything. Anything but what you currently are… THEN, maybe, just maybe they’ll love you,” he wrote. “And when you finally get their love, don’t mess it up. Don’t do anything wrong, because there’s a good chance you’ll lose their love if you do.”

The man who has been writing hit worship songs like “O Come To The Altar,” “Resurrecting,” “Here As In Heaven,” and “Do It Again,” over the past 15 years acknowledged how important it was for people to feel loved.

“Being loved is the longing of every human heart. It’s one of the few things we all have in common,” he said. “But how do we get this love we long for?”

Brock revealed two events in his life that helped him to better understand the love of God.

“Two events in my life really helped me understand God’s love in a profound way. The first was when I met my wife Meredith, and she told me her story,” he said. “She didn’t have it all together, she didn’t grow up hearing ‘I love you’ on a regular basis, and she didn’t know about Jesus. But when she was 17 years old and attended a Young Life event, she heard about and received the love of Jesus for the first time in her life.”

Brock said his wife learned to accept God’s love in a way that changed her life forever.

“She didn’t have any preconceived notions of how to accept God’s love. She didn’t have a list of to-do items that would qualify her for God’s love. She could just accept it. No strings attached. And it changed her life.

Brock’s views on love were also forever changed when he became a father.

“When my son Harvey was born, it changed me in a way of understanding what it means to love someone – simply because I do,” he wrote. “It’s not to receive anything from him in return (he didn’t have much to offer as a baby), I just loved him. And my love for him couldn’t be swayed or manipulated.”

He went on to share scriptures about love like Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” and 1 John 4:9-10 “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

Brock shared some practical advice for people who may not feel secure in the love of God.

“If you are struggling to know you are loved, do this for me. Pause, right now, take a deep breath, and tell yourself the Truth,” he wrote. “You ARE loved. No strings attached, no hoops to jump through, no list to check off.”