In a time when people love to share videos of others being brutalized, embarrassed or called out for their hateful behavior, it is a breath of fresh air when positive videos go viral.

That is why we cannot get enough of the adorable video of three-year old Ayaan reciting his daily affirmations. In a video posted to his mother Alissa’s instagram page, Ayaan begins saying his three affirmations, which we could all learn to incorporate into our lives.

“I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything!,” the preschooler repeats while walking to school with his mom.

The toddler has been practicing these affirmations for at least a year. His mom first taught them to him when he was two-years old, with the goal of having him internalize and remember the words.

“I taught Ayaan this positive affirmation on his 2nd Birthday last year.  In hopes that he would one day memorize it, understand it and use it as a motivational tool whenever he needed it,” his mom wrote.

Although Ayaan has had over a year to master these affirmations, his mom was surprised when he began reciting them on his own during their walk to school.

“Well he shocked me this morning. Out of no where he started repeating it, so I pulled out my phone,” wrote the proud mother. “He ended (with enthusiasm lol) once we made it to our destination💙. So proud of the little boy he is growing into.”

Ayaan’s mother isn’t the only one moved by his words.  Comments left under the video reveal that this little guy is inspiring others before he reaches kindergarten.

“Your beautiful boy has inspired [sic], to believe in myself again. I will pay no regards to those around around me who are suppose to fan my fire but instead rain on my parade. I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything,” wrote one user.

“This was beautiful and made my night.. thank you,” commented another person.

Others applauded the mother for her positive parenting and prayed that “God bless your little bundle of joy!!!

Given little Mr. Ayaan’s intelligence, positive attitude and supportive environment, we expect great things from this young king!


(photo: via screengrab)