When trials come at us it feels very overwhelming in the midst of it, and the unpredictability of whether or not we will make it through can try to weigh on us and make it feel impossible to ever come through at all, much less successfully.

However before we ever even entered the trial, we have the predicted outcome already set, as it says in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be to God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the aroma of his knowledge by us in every place.”

We can trust Him no matter what we are dealing with today, that in every situation He has an outcome of triumph for us.

We can trust Him that whatever impossible situations we may face, nothing is impossible for Him, and He works all things together for our good because He loves us and has called us according to His purposes.

Trust Him today to get you to your triumph, and allow the truth of what He Himself said to wash over you and your situation as you wait for Him to move on your behalf.


Briana Lassiter is a wife, mother, blogger, and contributor to Ambo TV. This article originally appeared on the website www.icameforthesoup.com.