God doesn’t need our help, but He does require our obedience.” ~CANDICE COATES

We often think that when the Lord says something, instructs us in a task, that the work of bringing that which He has spoken to pass rest upon our oh-too-small shoulders. When in reality the Lord only requires two things from us; our ‘yes’ and our obedience.

Sometimes our work of obedience does require big moves and actions and many times, dare I say most times, it requires us being still and seeing the salvation of the Lord (EXODUS 14:13-14).

When we take a journey through the second book of Chronicles, we find King Jehoshaphat. He is burdened on every side and weighed down by the impending assault of the enemy. There were many things that the king could have done. He could have rallied his troops. He could have called on allies. But what he did instead, was to call upon the King of Kings and seek His instructions for his next move.

And in seeking the Lord in faith, the king receives instructions and they are instructions unlike any that would have been expected with war and bloodshed right at one’s door. The Lord tells Jehoshaphat that all he needs do is worship and stand still.

“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” ~II CHRONICLES 20:17

Jehoshaphat could have bulked at these instructions. He could have still prepared men for war for just-in-case, but he didn’t do that. What he did was honor and trust the Lord, fell on his face and worshipped right before arranging the tribe of Judah to go to the frontlines prepared to lift praises to the King of Kings (II CHRON. 20:17-25).

And out of that obedience to take up tambourine instead of swords, came victory, riches, and peace that Jehoshaphat could not have gained on his own strength or understanding.

The same remains true for us, the redeemed children of God, today. Trials and trouble come our way, or it could just be a crossroad or a decision that must be made. We seek the Lord for instruction, prepared to ‘do’ what seems to make the most sense, and what does He instruct us to do?

He tells us to put on the full armor of the Lord and once we are fully arrayed He tells us to …stand and sometimes He tells us like he told Jehoshaphat, to lift our voices and worship (EPHESIANS 6:11-18).

Here are 3 big takeaways for us to remember:

  1. We should always seek the Lord’s counsel in all that we do, no matter if it is big or small (PROVERBS 3:6). Remember, He is the beginning and end of all things and He knows all things.
  2. We should never lean on our own understanding (PROVERBS 3:5). Because we know He knows, we can trust that He knows best.
  3. We need to remember Obedience is always better than sacrifice (I SAM. 15:22-24).

We never know exactly what our obedience will produce. It could produce sweet waters from bitter just by throwing a stick within them (EXODUS 15:23-25). It could be gaining sight from being born blind by allowing the Lord to smear spit and clay upon your eyes and tell you to bathe in a pool (JOHN 9:1-6). It could be worshipping when you feel like you should be preparing for war (II CHRON. 20: 14-25).

No matter what it is, our obedience and yes is what He requires and when we obey with child-like faith, we can be confident that He will not only do His part but He will exceed our hope and expectations!

~Dream. Imagine. Believe. Do. CONQUER!


Candice Coates is an author, blogger, and contributor to Ambo TV. To read more from her, follow her blog at www.icameforthesoup.com