“Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.” ~JOHN 13:23

Recline in My Goodness. Tell My people this.” These were the words the Lord Jesus spoke to me during a moment of worship.

The moment He spoke the words, the remembrance of the season came to mind. He graciously reminded me that we are speedily heading into the Passover and Resurrection season and that just like with the first Passover, when many plagues were striking the land, that He was covering His people.

Specifically, during the night of the first Passover, when the spirit of death came for the firstborn of the land, the Lord gave a few simple instructions in EXODUS 12:

Basically, they were called to wait on the Lord and rest while ready to move when the time came for them to do so and the threat had passed.


As sickness, uncertainty and unrest sweep through the world, the Body of Christ is to take the position of John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. We are to:

I encourage us all during this time of being shut in to rest in the Lord. Recline in His goodness. Literally, like the disciple, Jesus loved lean back into all of His goodness and rest securely in Him.

Allow yourself to breathe from all the labors you’ve put in before this time. Trust His hand of provision, knowing that He knew about this time and had already made a way for you.

This too shall pass, but His love and care for us all remain the same. Trust Him, lean into Him, and be covered in His goodness as this passes over.

~Poeima, Poetry in Motion

–Candice Coates is an author, blogger, and contributor to Ambo TV. To read more from her, follow her blog at www.icameforthesoup.com