FranklinPreacher and Hollywood producer DeVon Franklin is offering some encouraging words to those who are graduating this year or preparing for their next season.

Franklin has a digital subscription email service called “Mentor Mail” which aims to encourage those who have signed up to receive updates from the film executive. In his latest message titled, “4 Powerful Tips To Be Successful” Franklin shares a special message with recent graduates or students preparing to take that step.

“This is an exciting time of year when many students celebrate graduation. A bright future is ahead of them, they have a dream in their heart, and a smile on their face,” he wrote. “But under that smile, there is also fear. How is their dream going to happen when they don’t know how to get there?”

Franklin addressed that fear as someone who understood it all too well.

“I understand this fear because I faced it 20 years ago,” he revealed.

The preacher and author recently offered the commencement speech at the 2019 USC Marshall School of Business Undergraduate ceremony. Franklin summed up four important tips from that speech that he believes can help people live successful lives.

The first tip encouraged people to look beyond people’s normal standards.

“You have to be CRAZY,” he said. “What’s getting ready to happen in your life, no one has ever seen on the planet!”

Secondly, Franklin spoke about the importance of people embracing the things that make them unique.

“Your DIFFERENCE is your DESTINY,” he said. “Do not exchange what makes you different for what makes you common.”

While many people want to be leaders, Franklin spoke about the importance of people learning to first be servants.

“You must carry a crown BEFORE you wear one,” he said. “You have to SERVE your way to the top! Service never goes out of style.”

Lastly, Franklin spoke about the importance of finding their specific path to success.

“You have to find the OLD TOWN ROAD,” he wrote. “This is the path to success!”


(Photo by Rick Kern/Getty Images )