(Photo: Instagram)
Christine Caine is reminding people how much they have to look forward to as children of God in the new year.
“Some of you have had a 2018 that has left you wondering, others are about to step into 2019 feeling the same way,” Caine wrote on Instagram. “Whatever this season has been like for you, I want you to know that God sees, God knows and God cares. He loves you so much. I don’t know what the future holds for us all, but I do know the one who holds the future.”
Even though she may not understand everything that unfolds in the future, the Australian evangelist reaffirmed her trust in God.
“For that reason, no matter what I don’t understand, I do trust our faithful Jesus. Our God is good, he does good and he is working all things together for our good and his glory,” she wrote. “I hope you have the strength and courage to step wholeheartedly into the new year. Our sojourn on this planet is so brief, make every moment count.”
Caine used the scripture Isaiah 43:18 to encourage people with the transition into 2019. The scripture states, “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.” (Isaiah 43:18 MSG)
Caine reminded people how that scripture can apply to their lives.
“It’s time to leave the old behind and step into the new. New beginnings are what God does,” she wrote. “I pray you’ve been encouraged and inspired to continue to run your race and finish your course.”
The evangelist reminded people just how much they have to look forward in 2019.
“Your future is so bright! God has much more for you than you can ever ask or imagine this year,” she wrote. “Don’t hold back, your time is now! Boldly go after what He’s placed in your heart and watch Him move abundantly in your life!”