We know that we should put our hope in the Lord, but sometimes our hope fails. 

Whether it is the recent mass shootings across the country or our personal sufferings, there are moments in life when it is easy to become filled with fear and hopelessness.

If you find yourself at a point of hopelessness today, be encouraged by these five sermons that will help restore your hope!

1. High On Hope–Pastor Ashley Daugherty

This sermon by Daugherty is sure to lift your spirits and have you high on hope.  She reminds us of the words of the Prophet Isaiah who proclaimed, “those who hope in the Lord will never be disappointed.” Although these sound like “big” and “hefty words,” Daugherty declares that if God said them, then he is the only one who can and will stand by his promises. God will not let us down.  

2. B.O.Y.B.: Bring Your Own Breakthrough–Pastor Jordan Poole

In this sermon, you will find hope in realizing that you are a walking breakthrough. Poole uses the story in John 5:1-14 where the lame man sat by the pool waiting for someone else to put him into the water.  Like the man, at times we wait for someone else or some event to occur that will save us.  However, Poole challenges us to be our own breakthrough. He reminds us of the power we have been given through Jesus to overcome our obstacles.

3. Hope For Pain–Bethany Ufema

Bethany Ufema is the executive creative director at Lifepoint Church and a gifted teacher. In this message, she lets us know that in life, pain is inevitable. However, God has not left us without a hope.  God has given his grace to help us endure life’s pain.  In a poignant moment in her sermon, she declares, “God in his grace exchanges our pain for hope…and that hope, in turn, becomes someone else’s help.”

4. Faith Foundation–Pastor Mike Todd

Faith and hope go hand-in-hand. Hebrews 11:1 lets us know that faith is the substance of things hoped for. In this sermon, Todd inspires us to expect great things from God. He states that too often we simply live, or endure circumstances without expecting anything from them.  However, God wants to do greater things in our life. But first, we must expect greater and have faith that it will happen.

5. Hope Is Alive–Pastor Jared Ming

Finally, Ming reminds us of where our ultimate hope comes from, which is Jesus Christ.  As Ming says, we cannot live without hope, and this sermon will get your hope off of life support.  He recognizes that hope can die because of disappointment and delays, but through the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can find hope.  The cross and empty tomb let us know that we are forgiven, and have been given a second chance!