Normally when we think of Christian comedians it brings up images of grandfather-type guys in stuffy suits telling funny, but seriously played out dad jokes like, “My wife is so negative. I remembered the car seat, the stroller, AND the diaper bag. Yet all she can talk about is how I forgot the baby (insert drum hit).”  Wamp wamp!

Well not anymore! We have comedians like Trey Kennedy and John Crist, viral YouTubers who proudly wear the “Christian Comedian” badge. Both of them are serving up clean, and hilarious videos while racking up millions of views and followers.

Trey Kennedy is one amazingly creative and talented comic with videos like “When your dad tries to get you ready for church.”

And “Pop Culture Youth Pastor.” Which isn’t laughing at us, it’s laughing with us.

Trey, who has over 1.2 million followers on Instagram, also proudly shares his faith upfront in his Insta bio. It simply reads “John 3:30,” which is the Bible verse that says, “He must become greater; I must become less.” 

And then there’s John Crist.  

The son of a southern pastor who grew up in the church, his videos have amassed over 1 Billion views. His comedy focuses on poking fun at some of the more rigid Christian ways and takes a millennial approach to faith.

With videos like Celebrity Pastor Fantasy Draft.

And his more recent work like Virtual Reality Church

He keeps us laughing as he jokes about the church.  

But don’t confuse his joking with a lack of deference. When it comes to the church, he has nothing but love.

“Man, I love the local church,” Crist says. “Growing up serving at my dad’s church, I know the effect that a healthy, vibrant local church can have on the community. If I ever come across as critical, it’s because I love the church and I wish for so much more from it. I think the local church is our only hope for change in America, that said… we do some weird stuff.”