Dear White Christians

- Follow and learn from those committed to racial justice. OneRace is a faith-based place to start (
- Do not be silent. Passivity to sin is sin (James 4:17). Your black brothers and sisters need to hear from your mouth that you are not okay with racial violence. Change will not come from a muzzled mouth. Now is the time to speak.
- Ignore your own discomfort. It is not the time to focus on you. You will be called into many uncomfortable conversations if you pursue racial justice, but consider how will you answer God when He asks you why you were silent to the tears and suffering of your brothers and sisters? Will it be enough to Him that you ignored their pain because of your own discomfort?
- Check in with your friends who are black. Listen to them, cry with them, pray with them, and support them. Try to feel their pain and think about how it would feel for you if you were in their shoes.
- If you don’t have a diverse range of friends, then ask God to bring you to the people you need to learn from and commune with. We were never meant to be racially divided in the body of Christ. Segregated churches are from the pit of hell.
- Educate yourself on the issues our communities are dealing with. Humble yourself and realize that you will say and do the wrong thing at some point, but with humility comes education. Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Be open to own up to your mistakes, be sorry, and learn from it.
- Listen to others about what it’s like to be black and do the same things you do:
- Do you homeschool? Listen to the struggles of those who are black and homeschooling.
- Are you a church leader? Listen to the issues of those who are black church leaders.
- Are you into adoption/fostering? Listen to the voices of those who are black and adopting/fostering.
- Are you a political leader? Listen to the hearts of those who are black community leaders.
- Are you a parent? Listen to black parents right now and enter into their struggles.
- Are you a runner? Listen to how it feels to be black exercising in America right now.
- Are you a business owner? Listen to black business owners’ experiences.
If we refuse to listen, we will never learn. If we never learn, we will never take required action. Realize that this list of suggestions is the most basic of beginnings. There are many voices called to condemn racial injustice now. Your voice may be one of them and there may be a ministry inside of you that the Holy Ghost wants to bring forth. But you must say “Yes” and trust Him to do it. I prophesy that many leaders are being called forth in this hour to bring about racial justice. But you must say “Yes” to God and let Him do the work through you. If that’s you reader, I bless you in the work God has called you to do.
- Do not neglect prayer. God clearly communicates that our weapons are not of this world, they are spiritual to fight spiritual battles (2 Corinthians 10:4). If you have not experienced the power of intercession, ask God to show you, then look and listen as He brings you to the videos, books, teachings, and resources that you need to learn how to experience His power through prayer (I will include a recommended reading list below for those interested in my personal favorites).
- Educate yourself on what it means to be black in America. Listen to black experiences. Start with books like “A Different Mirror” by Ronald Takaki, or “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein. “Heroes in Black History” by Dave and Neta Jackson, or research William Seymour, the African American preacher who led the historic move of God in California. Look into Tony Evans’ book “Oneness Embraced” about reconciliation in the church. We have more access to African American voices than ever before due to social media and the internet. In other words, there is no excuse to remain ignorant of our brothers’ and sisters’ experiences.
- Educate yourself on God’s heart for His people. Start with immersing yourself in Ephesians chapters 1-3 until you begin to understand with your spirit who you are, and where you fit in God’s plan for His people. Then, begin to carry the conviction that to hate each other is to hate God.
We are here at this point in time for a purpose. The hand of God is extended to us, we have the opportunity for His kingdom to come to earth through us. But action is required. What is your choice in this hour?
“Father God, we thank You that You are no respecter of persons. We decree, therefore, in everything we would like men to do to us, we do also to them, for this is the Law of the Prophets. We declare to be devoted to one another in love and to honor one another above ourselves. I decree not to do anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility I will value others above myself. I declare in everything to set an example by doing what is good, in teaching to show integrity and seriousness. Father, thank You for the new command You have given, that we are to love one another as You have loved us. And by this everyone will know that we are your disciples, if we love one another, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”NOTE: Although this article is a result of the current headlines regarding the murders and discrimination involving the black community in America, these concepts of racial justice, equality and action are for everyone; regardless of your people group or location on the globe.
Permission has been obtained by the author to publish the prayer found in the book “Prayers to Propel You Forward: For Such a Time as This” by Esthers of Intercession.
Briana Lassiter I’m married to my dearest friend of nine years and mom to an energetic seven-year-old. My greatest joys come from traveling with my little family, cooking for appreciative recipients, learning herbalism and natural medicine, and every experience I get to have in prayer ministry. I’m an avid tea and book lover and can’t get enough of either. I love Jesus and the daily adventure that comes from walking in friendship with him as he arranges and rearranges my story.