Ambo TV Daily Devotional | July 25, 2019 | Ambo TV

Ambo TV Daily Devotional | July 25, 2019

“For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36

Has God given you your heart’s desire, yet you still feel empty? He blessed you with the car, the home, the right occupation, and education. You prayed for these things, and yes, you’re grateful, but there’s still this heaviness in your soul.

Sometimes in life, we use luxury as a coping mechanism to ease the discomfort of our challenges. Unfortunately, possessions and materialism will never ease the pain. As believers, we have to dive deep to the root of the problem in order to be healed. If you’re someone who uses “things” as a way of coping, ask God to help you and heal you today.